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Long Run Performance


Last week, we talked about the long-run performance of a reducible chain. The reducible chain can be decomposed into different classes. Then,

  • in the long-run, the transient classes have probability 0
  • in the long run, the probability of entering any recurrent class can be found by first-step analysis

Now, we’re interested to know the long-run performance of the states in the recurrent class itself. How will the process work? Is it possible to figure out the probability at each state?

Consider only one recurrent class. Restricted on this recurrent class, we can build a new MC (consisting of states only within this class). This new MC is irreducible (it has only one communication class). Hence, it suffices to discuss the long-run performance of an irreducible chain (because every recurrent class in the original MC consists of only one communication class, by definition, and so, the new MC will always be irreducible).


Reducible → We can “reduce” the size of the transition matrix by “reducing” the number of “states” (by clustering those in the same recurrent class together)

Irreducible → cannot be reduced further, i.e., like an “atom” of the MC


Screenshot 2023-09-28 at 8.08.14 AM.png

Both the above MCs are recurrent and irreducible. Also, the average number of revisits to any state is the same (infinity) in the long run. However, the pattern for both is very different and we should discuss them separately. (we want some way to quantify how the pattern is actually different).


Period: For a state ii, let d(i)d(i) be the greatest common divisor of {n:n1,Pii(n)>0}\{n : n \geq 1, P_{ii}^{(n)} > 0 \}. If {n:n1,Pii(n)>0}\{n : n \geq 1, P_{ii}^{(n)} > 0 \} is empty (starting from ii, the chain will never revisit ii), then we define d(i)=0d(i) = 0.

We call d(i)d(i) the period of state i.i.

Let’s try to understand this definition better:

  • Pii(n)>0P_{ii}^{(n)} > 0 refers to the fact that the probability that P(Xn=iX0=i)P(X_n=i|X_0=i) is non-zero
  • {n:n1,Pii(n)>0}\{n : n \geq 1, P_{ii}^{(n)} > 0 \} is the set of lengths of all possible paths that we can arrive at ii (starting from ii)
  • Common divisor: taking the common factor of the length of these paths

In the figure above (on the left), P11(n)>0P_{11}^{(n)} > 0 only for n=3,6,9,n=3,6,9,\cdots Hence, the common divisor (and period) of state 11 is 33. (Observe that all the states - 1,2,31,2,3 - have the same period. Coincidence? 😲)

Another example is the gambler’s ruin problem. P11(n)>0P_{11}^{(n)} > 0 only for n=2,4,6,n=2,4,6, \dots Hence, the common divisor is 22 (it takes a “multiple of 2” steps to ever get back to the same state as the one we started from).


If d(i)=1d(i) = 1, we call the state ii to be aperiodic.

Aperiodic intuitively means that there is no good pattern we can observe for when the process can visit a certain state.

Period of States in the same class

It’s natural (and quite intuitive) for the period of all states in the same class to be the same. Why?

Consider the previous example (above, on the left) Suppose that state 3 has a period of 2. Then, P33(5)P33(2)P31(1)P13(2)>0P_{33}^{(5)} \geq P_{33}^{(2)}P_{31}^{(1)}P_{13}^{(2)} > 0. Hence, P33(n)>0P_{33}^{(n)} > 0 for n=3,5,6,n=3,5,6, \cdots but that would mean that the greatest common divisor is 11 (which contradicts the fact that the period is 2).

We can generalize this using a theorem.



For a MC, let d(i)d(i) be the period of state ii, then:

  1. If ii and jj can communicate, d(i)=d(j)d(i)=d(j) (read the proof here)
  2. There is an NN such that Pii(Nd(i))>0P_{ii}^{(N *d(i))} > 0, and for any nNn \geq N, Pii(nd(i))>0P_{ii}^{(n *d(i))} > 0
  3. There is m>0m > 0 such that Pji(m)>0P_{ji}^{(m)} > 0, and when nn is sufficiently large, we have Pji(m+nd(i))>0P_{ji}^{(m + nd(i))} > 0

How can we interpret the above statements?

  1. The period of all the states in the same communication class is the same. So, we can think of “period” as being associated with a class (and not just a state, since it is common across all members of the class)
  2. Beyond a certain threshold NN (the “first” value of nn such that there is a path of length n×d(i)n\times d(i) from iii \to i), we can always find a path of length n×d(i)n\times d(i) from iii\to i for any nNn \geq N. Why is this true? Because of the definition of period, it must be “periodic” and the (minimum) duration between 2 revisits to ii is given by d(i)d(i)
  3. If I can go from jij \to i in mm steps (and I know that the period of ii is d(i)d(i), which means that there must be some threshold of nn for which there is path of length n×d(i)n\times d(i) from iii\to i), I can go from jij \to i (mm steps) and then iii \to i (n×d(i)n \times d(i) steps). Meaning, there is a path of length m+nd(i)m+nd(i) from jij \to i.

Aperiodic MC

Note: Consider an irreducible MC (only one class     \impliesall states have same period, dd). Then, we can say that dd is the period of this MC. If d=1d=1, then all states are aperiodic, and we say that this MC is aperiodic.

Let’s apply the theorem on periodicity to an aperiodic MC, i.e., d=1d=1.

Consider the state ii. There must be some N>0N > 0 such that Pii(N)>0P_{ii}^{(N)} > 0.

Then, by the theorem, we have that for any nNn \geq N, Pii(n)>0P_{ii}^{(n)} > 0.

But hmm.. how do we know that there even exists such an NN so that Pii(N)>0P_{ii}^{(N)} > 0? 🤔 This can be quite easily proven as follows:

  • If the MC contains only one state ii, Pii=1>0P_{ii} = 1 > 0 for all values of n>0n > 0
  • If the MC contains another state jj, then iji \longleftrightarrow j (because the chain is irreducible). So, there must be N1,N2N_1, N_2 so that Pij(N1)>0P_{ij}^{(N_1)} > 0 and Pji(N2)>0P_{ji}^{(N_2)} > 0. Therefore, we can set N=N1+N2N=N_1 + N_2 and there is a path ijii \to j \to i of length NN with non-zero probability

Let SS denote the set of all states in the aperiodic irreducible MC. Then, for every state iSi \in S, there is such as NiN_i for each state ii. When the number of states is finite, i.e., S<|S| < \infty, we can define N=maxiNiN = \max_{i} N_i. Then, for any nNn \geq N, we have:

Pii(n)>0,iSP_{ii}^{(n)} > 0, \quad i \in S

In words, it means that for a finite aperiodic MC, there is a certain threshold NN (which is the maximum of all the individual thresholds NiN_i) such that beyond this, for any value of nNn \geq N, there is path of length nn from iii \to i for all states ii.

Consider two states ii and jj. Let N1,i,jN_{1, i,j} be such that Pij(N1,i,j)>0P_{ij}^{(N_{1,i,j})} > 0.

Recall that we have Pii(n)>0P_{ii}^{(n)} > 0 for nNn \geq N. Hence, for any mNm \geq N, we can go from iii \to i (mm steps) and then iji \to j ((N1,i,j)(N_{1,i,j}) steps) and so,

Pij(N1,i,j+m)Pii(m)Pij(N1,i,j)>0P_{ij}^{(N_{1,i,j} + m)} \geq P_{ii}^{(m)}P_{ij}^{(N_{1,i,j})} > 0

Let n=m+N1,i,jn = m + N_{1,i,j}. Then, for any nN+N1,i,jn \geq N + N_{1,i,j}, we have Pij(n)>0P_{ij}^{(n)} > 0. (Beyond a certain threshold nn, we can always find a path of length knk \geq n from iji \to j).

But the above is only for a single pair of states - we can use the same argument on all pairs i,jSi,j \in S. For every pair i,ji,j, we have a N1,i,jN_{1,i,j}. We can define Ni,j=N+N1,i,jN_{i,j} = N + N_{1,i,j} (recall that N=maxiNiN = \max_i N_i).


Pij(n)>0,nNijP_{ij}^{(n)} > 0, \quad n \geq N_{ij}

Let nmaxijNijn \geq \max_{ij} N_{ij}. Then, we have, Pij(n)>0P_{ij}^{(n)} > 0 for any i,jSi, j \in S.

In other words, all the entires of the transition matrix PnP^n are non-zero. This can be interpreted to mean that after this value of nn, it is possible to travel from any state ii to any other state jj (including i=ji=j) in a single step.

The above result is quite powerful (so much so that we define a new term for such an MC 😆).


Regular Markov Chain

A Markov Chain with transition probbaility matrix PP is called regular if there exists an integer k>0k > 0 such that all the elements PkP^k are strictly positive (non-zero).

In such a case, we call PP to be the regular transition probability matrix. It means that P(Xk=jX0=i)>0P(X_k=j|X_0=i) > 0 for any i,ji,j. That is, using kk steps, we can walk from any state to any other steps.


Example: We know that thetra maximum degree of separation between any 2 people on Earth (under the “friendship” relation) is about 6. This means that in 6 hops, any person can reach any other person. So, if we model this entire graph using a transition probability matrix, P6P^6 will have all entries being strictly positive. (it’s not clear what the probabilities here would represent but this is just to give an intuition as to what “regular” mens)

Note: Obviously if all entires of PkP^k are strictly positive, then for any mkm \geq k, all entires of PmP^m are also strictly positive.

Okay, so now we know that a “regular” MC is (in theory) but what’s an easy way to identify whether a given MC is regular or not.


If a Markov Chain is irreducible, aperiodic, with finite states, then it is a reguar MC.

Note that it only applies to MCs with finite states because in the derivation, we used the fact that maxijNij\max_{ij}N_{ij} is a finite number, but given infinite states, we can’t be certain what the maximum value of NijN_{ij} over all i,ji,j is (it’s possible for it to be infinity too, and so the derivation does not work).

🤔 Is the converse of the above statement true, i.e., are ALL regular MCs irreducible, aperiodic and have finite states?

Pro tip: If Pii(1)>0P_{ii}^{(1)} > 0 (there is a self-loop), d(i)=1d(i) = 1 (aperiodic instantly since the greatest common divisor of any set of numbers containing 11 must be 11)

Lazy Chain: Pii(1)>0P_{ii}^{(1)} > 0 for all ii (the process is “lazy” and so, there’s a non-zero probability of it not moving away from ii at all)

Summary So Far


Regular Markov Chain


A regular MC must be irreducible. Why? Because by definition of “regular MC”, there is a number kk such that there is a path of length kk between any pair of states. So, all states communicate with each other. Hence, irreducible.

Q. Is the Gambler’s ruin problem with no upper limit stopping rule a regular MC?

Ans: No. Because the odd and even states alternate, the period of each state (and hence, the MC) is 2. E.g. if you start at X0=2X_0=2, then P23(2n)=0P_{23}^{(2n)} = 0 (impossible to go from an even state to an odd state in an even number of steps 2n2n) and P22(2n+1)=0P_{22}^{(2n+1)} = 0 (impossible to go from an even state to an even state in an odd number of steps 2n+12n+1). So, there is no value of kk for which all entries of the transition probability matrix PkP^k are strictly positive (if kk is even, then all Pi,i+1kP_{i,i+1}^k values (minimally) are zero, and if kk is odd, then all Pii(k)P_{ii}^{(k)} values are zero).

Limiting Distribution


Main Theorem

Suppose PP is a regular transition probability matrix with states S={1,2,,N}S = \{1, 2, \dots, N\}. Then:

  1. The limit limnpij(n)\lim_{n \to \infty}p_{ij}^{(n)} exists. Meaning, as nn \to \infty, the marginal probability of P(Xn=jX0=i)P(X_n=j|X_0=i) will converge to a finite value

  2. The limit does not depend on ii (initial state). Hence, we can denote it by:

    πj=limnPij(n)\pi_j = \lim_{n \to \infty} P_{ij}^{(n)}
  3. The distribution of all of the πk\pi_k is a probability distribution, i.e., k=1Nπk=1\sum_{k=1}^N \pi_k = 1, and we call this to be the limiting distribution (it tells us how likely it is for the process to end up in any particular state in the long run).

  4. The limits π=(π1,π2,,πn)\pi = (\pi_1, \pi_2, \dots, \pi_n) are the solution of the system of equations

    πj=k=1NπkPkj,j=1,2,,Nk=1Nπk=1\begin{equation*} \begin{split} \pi_j &= \sum_{k=1}^N \pi_kP_{kj}, \quad j = 1,2, \dots, N \\ \sum_{k = 1}^N \pi_k &= 1 \\ \end{split} \end{equation*}

    Equivalently, in the matrix form, it is to solve:

    πP=π,k=1Nπk=1\pi P = \pi, \quad \sum_{k=1}^N \pi_k = 1
  5. The limiting distribution π\pi is unique (since it represents the long-term distribution of the process, there is only one right answer).

Recall that pij(n)=P(Xn=jX0=i)p_{ij}^{(n)} = P(X_n = j|X_0=i).

The second statement is true because under the limit nn \to \infty, the initial state doesn’t matter (this is only true for an irreducible, aperiodic MC with finite states, i.e., regular MC) because all states can eventually reach other and we’re interested in the eventual distribution (called the limiting distribution) of the process.

Since each of the πk\pi_k represents the probability of the process being at a state kk after a very long time, the sum of all the πk\pi_k’s must be 1 (since the states are “disjoint” and the process must be at any one of the states at any time).

Understanding this deeply is very important: in the long run, P(Xn=j)P(X_n=j) will converge to πj\pi_j, no matter what the initial state is and no matter what nn is (even, or odd or whatever).

It should be evident that π\pi is a (probability) distribution on SS. Consider SS as the outcome space, and define the probability measure on SS in the way that P({j})=πjP(\{j\}) = \pi_j and the additivity. Note that this probability measure satisfies the “probability distribution requirements” → each of the πi\pi_i’s are non-negative and they sum to 11 because iSP({i})=P(S)=1\sum_{i \in S} P(\{i\}) = P(S) = 1


  1. Also, πP=π\pi P = \pi should ring a bell 🔔 Recall from linear algebra that this means that π\pi is an eigervector of PP with eigenvalue = 1.
  2. πP=π\pi P = \pi also means that this limiting distribution is invariant → running the MC for 1 more iteration (i.e., one more step) doesn’t change the distribution at all (this is also why we can claim that the distribution converges). e.g. if π1=0.5\pi_1 = 0.5 then even after one more iteration, there is a 50% chance that the MC is at state 1. Intuition: if infinite iterations have converged to this value, what’s one more iteration going to change 🙄 (infinity + 1 is still is infinity and the distribution should remain the same)

Interpretations of π\pi

Okay, but how do we really interpret πj\pi_j? There are many different (and all correct) interpretations of π\pi (depending on what we’re considering).

πj\pi_j is the (marginal) probability that the MC is in state jj for the long run. We say “marginal” because it is not conditioned on the original/initial state and also not conditioned on the time (exact value of nn). It simply means that if we leave the MC alone for a long time, and then come back to observe it, there is a πj\pi_j probability that the MC is in state jj when we observe it, regardless of how it was when we left, and regardless of the exact number of steps the MC took in the time we were gone.


An intuitive way to look at this is to see if there is any “difference” in times even in the long run. For example, for the simple random walk problem: If we start from an even state, the probability that the process is at an odd state is 00 at even time points, and the probability that the process is at an even state is at odd time points (even in the long run). So, the long-run distribution depends on the time point we’re considering. Hence, it’s not a regular MC because there’s no “limiting distribution”.

Proof (of the above claim that πj\pi_j is the marginal probability): the marginal probability can be calculated by the following formula (simply using law of total probability):

P(Xn=j)=i=1NP(X0=i)P(Xn=jX0=i)\begin{equation*} \begin{split} P(X_n = j) &= \sum_{i=1}^N P(X_0=i) P(X_n=j|X_0=i) \\ \end{split} \end{equation*}

For a large enough nn, we have defined P(Xn=jX0=i)=πjP(X_n=j|X_0=i) = \pi_j. Then,

P(Xn=j)=i=1NπjP(X0=i)=πji=1NP(X0=i)=πjP(X_n=j) = \sum_{i=1}^N \pi_j P(X_0=i) = \pi_j \sum_{i=1}^N P(X_0=i) = \pi_j

Moreover, π\pi gives the limit of PnP^n (simply based on our definitions and understanding). Since πk\pi_k is the probability that the process ends up in state kk in the long run, we expect all the entries of the kkth column of PnP^n (as nn \to \infty) to be equal to πk\pi_k (why? because every entry (i,ji, j) in PnP^n represents precisely the probability of landing at state jj if we start at state ii, after nn steps).

We can write this as:

limnPn=(π1π2π3πNπ1π2π3πNπ1π2π3πN...π1π2π3πN)\lim_{n \to \infty} P^n = \begin{pmatrix} \pi_1 & \pi_2 & \pi_3 & \cdots & \pi_N \\ \pi_1 & \pi_2 & \pi_3 & \cdots & \pi_N \\ \pi_1 & \pi_2 & \pi_3 & \cdots & \pi_N \\ & & . \\ & & . \\ & & . \\ \pi_1 & \pi_2 & \pi_3 & \cdots & \pi_N \\ \end{pmatrix}

Every row is the same, as π\pi. Interpretation? The iith row of PnP^n is the distribution of XnX_n given X0=iX_0=i. If the distribution of XnX_n converges to the same distribution π\pi regardless of X0X_0, then every row must converge to π\pi.

π\pi can be seen as the long run proportion of time in every state. But what do we even mean by “long run proportion of time”. Let’s define it formally.

Define the indicator function of XkX_k to be:

I(Xk=j)={1,if Xk=j0,if XkjI(X_k = j) = \begin{cases} 1, \quad \text{if } X_k = j \\ 0, \quad \text{if } X_k \neq j \end{cases}

Clearly, it can be used to check whether the chain is at state jj or not at time kk. (And it is a random variable because XkX_k is a random variable).

The (expected) fraction of visits at state jj is:

E[1mk=0m1I(Xk=j)X0=i]=1mk=0m1E[I(Xk=j)X0=i]=1mk=0m1P(Xk=jX0=i)πj as m\begin{equation*} \begin{split} E \left [ \frac 1 m \sum_{k = 0}^{m-1}I(X_k=j)|X_0=i \right ] &= \frac 1 m \sum_{k=0}^{m-1} E[I(X_k=j)|X_0=i] \\ &= \frac 1 m \sum_{k=0}^{m-1} P(X_k=j|X_0=i) \\ & \to \pi_j \text{ as }m \to \infty \end{split} \end{equation*}

The above steps use the following properties:

  • Linearity of Expectation: The expectations of the sum of random variables is equal to the sum of their respective expectations
  • The expectation of an indicator function is equal to the probability that the indicator function evaluates to 1
  • As mm \to \infty, P(Xm=jX0=i)P(Xm=j)=πjP(X_m=j|X_0=i) \approx P(X_m=j) = \pi_j. So, as mm increases, the “effect” of the first few iterations of the markov chain (where it’s not really “long-run” yet) become less relevant (as there are many many more terms that dominate the effect of the first few terms), and the average tends to converge to πj\pi_j.

In simple words, the above formula means that if we count the number of visits to state jj and divide it by the current time, then the proportion converges to πj\pi_j (for larger values of “current time”).

Until time mm, the chain visits state jj around m×πjm \times \pi_j times.


The above statement is only “true” (i.e., a good approximation) for large values of mm, as the impact of the initial states fades away gradually. You cannot expect this to be true for values like m=3m=3 because obvoiusly it is possible for the chain to be impacted heavily by the starting conditions in the beginning.

Okay, we’ve shown that the regular MC will converge to a limiting distribution. And we have also shown that this limiting distribution is unique and very meaningful to us. But… how do even find this limiting distribution?

There are 2 approaches we can use:

  1. Calculate PnP^n and let nn \to \infty. When all the rows are identical, then π\pi is a row of PnP^n (we can use computers to compute this quite efficiently using eigenvector decomposition, i.e., decompose P=QJQ1P= QJQ^{-1} such that JJ is a diagonal matrix and then Pn=QJnQ1P^n = QJ^nQ^{-1} and computing the power of a diagonal matrix is easy because we can just raise each diagonal entry to the respective power).
  2. Sovle the system of equations as mentioned in statement 4 of the main theorem.

Example: think of the limiting distribution as being similar to the distribution of coffee molecules in a cup of milk+water. Even if you add the coffee powder on the left/right side of the cup (or even if you stir it), eventually it “settles” into a distribution (generally, uniform) and stays at that distribution from that time onwards (invariant property → once the limiting distribution is reached, it never varies).

Irregular Markov Chain

Now that we know how to understand the long-run peformance for a regular MC, we’re curious to know what happens if the MC is not regular.


  • We have S+1|S| + 1 equations in total, where S|S| equations come from π=πP\pi = \pi P and the 1 equation that π\pi’s sum to 1.
  • We have S|S| unknown parameters: π1,,πS\pi_1, \dots, \pi_{|S|}
  • The rank of IPI - P is <S< |S| since all the rows sum up to 1 (since it needs to form a valid probability distribution, the sum of all the probabilities of outgoing edges/steps needs to be 1) → recall that rank is the number of linearly independent columns but in this case, if we know the first S1|S|-1 columns (worst case), we can find the last column by simply subtracting 1 from the partial sum of each row. Moreover, it’s possible that the rank of the matrix be even lower than S1|S|-1 (consider the extreme case where all values in the first column are 1, then everything else is forced to be 0, and so, there is only 1 linearly independent column).

We know (from linear algebra) that for such a linear system (where the “coefficient” matrix is non-invertible - because the rank is not equal to the number of rows), there can be no solution (inconsistent) or infinitely many solutions (consistent but dependent). BUT this does NOT mean that there can only be "no solution" or "infinitely many solutions" to our system of equations because we have an additional equation (i.e., additional constraint) that i=1nπi=1\sum_{i=1}^n \pi_i = 1. So, even if the rank of IPI - P is less than S|S|, we can still have a unique solution (because of the additional constraint). Moreover, it can be shown that any transition probability matrix has at least one stationary distribution (which is a solution to the system of equations). So, the "no solution" case is impossible for our system of equations.

In fact, the rank of IPI - P will always be less than S|S| (for both regular and irregular markov chains) simply because every row must sum to 1 (to be able to form a valid probability distribution). Hence, we may have a unique solution only when the rank of IPI - P is S1|S|-1 (because then we would get S1|S|-1 linearly independent equations from PP and 1 more from the i=1nπi=1\sum_{i=1}^n \pi_i = 1 constraint, forming a total of S|S| linearly independent equations and S|S| variables).

When the MC is not regular, it’s possible that S=|S| = \infty and πi=0\pi_i = 0 for all ii (which means that all the states are transient).

When the MC is not regular, it’s also possible that we can find a solution π\pi. How do we interpret this? it means that if the initial states have a distribution π\pi, then after any steps, the chain also has a distribution π\pi on the states. Hence, it is called the stationary distribution (since it does not move/change).

Note that periodic chains may have a stationary distribution.


Stationary Distribution

Consider a MC with state space S={1,2,}S= \{1, 2, \dots \} and the transition probability matrix PP. A distribution (p1,p2,)(p_1, p_2, \dots) on SS is called a stationary distribution, if it satisfies for all i=1,2,i=1,2,\dots that:

P(Xn=i)=pi    P(Xn+1=i)=piP(X_n=i) = p_i \implies P(X_{n+1} = i) = p_i

Note that if the initial distribution of X0X_0 is not π\pi, we cannot claim any results.

It is possible for an irregular stochastic process to have a unique stationary distribution too! The uniqueness of a solution to the linear system of equations does not mean that it is the limiting distribution.


Any stochastic process has at least one stationary distribution π\pi in the sense that πP=π\pi P = \pi. The proof can be found here.

Though limiting distribution and stationary distribution are “similar” in some sense, they don’t refer to the same thing mathematically (or even conceptually):

Limiting DistributionStationary Distribution
Initial DistributionArbitraryX0πX_0 \sim \pi (important requirement!)
Next stepUnknownX1πX_1 \sim \pi
nn \to \inftyXnπX_n \sim \piXnπX_n \sim \pi
Calculation?π=πP\pi = \pi P (OR) limnPn\lim_{n \to \infty} P^nπ=πP\pi = \pi P
UniquenessYes, if there are 2 limiting distributions π1\pi_1 and π2\pi_2, they are identicalNo, it’s possible to have 2 different stationary distributions, π1π2\pi_1 \neq \pi_2
Constraint on MCMC must be regularNo assumption on the regularlity or periodicity of the MC

We observe that the limiting distribution is one of the special cases of a stationary distribution, i.e., the limiting distribution must be a stationary distribution (because once we reach the limiting distribution, it is also invariant, i.e., stationary/unchanging).

For a regular MC, the stationary distribution is also a limiting distribution. Hence, in many textbooks about regular MCs, stationary distribution and limiting distribution are used interchangeably.

Example of a stationary distribution: Consider a gambler’s ruin problem. Then, if the initial state is X0=0X_0=0 or X0=NX_0=N, then the distribution of the chain never changes. So, we have two (distinct) stationary distributions: (1,0,0,,0)(1, 0, 0, \dots, 0) and (0,0,,0,1)(0, 0, \dots, 0, 1) where the iith entry of the tuple refers to πi\pi_i (the probability of being at state ii in the stationary distribution). It’s not a coincidence that all the other states have probability 0 here → they are transient, and we know that limnPij(n)=0\lim_{n \to \infty} P_{ij}^{(n)} = 0 for j=1,2,,N1j = 1, 2, \dots, N-1, i.e., the chain will eventually leave these states so it cannot be “stationary” if there’s some probability/flow stored at any of these transient states. Does this mean we only have 2 stationary distributions? Nope. We have infinitely many such distributions. Any linear combination (with the “right” coefficients) of these stationary distributions will also be a stationary distribution (by the fact that a linear combination of eigenvectors is also an eigenvector). In particular, the set of all stationary distributions for this example can be written as: {λp+(1λ)q:0λ1}\{\lambda p + (1-\lambda) q: 0 \leq \lambda \leq 1 \} where p=(1,0,,0)p = (1, 0, \dots, 0) and q=(0,,0,1)q = (0, \dots, 0, 1). For example, (0.5,0,,0,0.5)(0.5, 0, \dots, 0, 0.5) is also a stationary distribution (conceptually, if you start off broke 50% of the time, you’ll remain broke forever (stationary) for those 50% of the time, and similarly if you start of at NN).

A key observation is that the stationary distribution must have πi=0\pi_i = 0 for all transient states ii (and so, even the initial distribution cannot have a non-zero probability of starting from any transient state).


Recall from linear algebra that a system of linear equations has either:

  • No solution (inconsistent)
  • One unique solution (consistent + linearly independent equations)
  • Infinitely many solutions (consistent + dependent equations)

As a result, a MC always has zero, one or infinitely many stationary distributions. (In particular, it cannot have 2 or 3 or any k>1k > 1 distributions for a finite value of kk)

Note: A process with “short-term memory” that doesn’t directly look like a MC (since the next state Xn+1X_{n+1} might depend on the past few states, instead of just the preceeding state) can be easily converted to a MC by including all the “memory” into the state itself. For example, if the weather can be either sunny ss or cloudy cc, and suppose the weather today depends on the past 2 days, i.e., Xn+1X_{n+1} depends not only on XnX_{n} but also on Xn1X_{n-1} (and hence, not a MC), we can convert it to a MC by defining Yn=(Xn1,Xn)Y_n = (X_{n-1}, X_n). Then, Yn1=(Xn2,Xn1)Y_{n-1} = (X_{n-2}, X_{n-1}) contains all the information needed for us to determine the value of YnY_n (hence, we transform the “multiple-step” dependency into a “single-step” dependency by storing all the information needed to make the next step in the current state - which makes it a MC since the next step becomes conditionally independent of the past given the current state).